Sunday, July 26, 2015

Transcendental Meditation Treats ADHD in Children

Studies suggest practicing transcendental meditation (TM) improves brain function and reduces symptoms among children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The meditation showed improved brain functioning, increased brain processing, and improved language-based skills among ADHD students practicing it. Unlike other forms of meditation, Transcendental Meditation is designed to be practiced while sitting in a comfortable position and in a quiet location. Practitioners usually have a phrase or mantra that they repeat throughout the 20-minute meditation period. The repetition helps the mind move past the thoughts and even the awareness of the mantra to silence. It helps students by giving them an experience of silence, and wakefulness. This leads to changes in brain functioning so that the meditation experience begins to be integrated with waking experiences. Transcendental meditation promotes relaxation and is a better alternative to treat ADHD among children.

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a technique for avoiding distracting thoughts and promoting a state of relaxed awareness. ADHD children find it difficult to pay attention, organize themselves and get things done when they’re under stress. While meditating, the person practicing TM sits in a comfortable position with eyes closed and silently repeats a mantra. When meditating, the ordinary thinking process is “transcended.” It’s replaced by a state of pure consciousness. In this state, the child achieves perfect stillness, rest, stability, order, and a complete absence of mental boundaries. So it stands to reason that the TM technique which reduces stress and organizes brain function would reduce ADHD symptoms.

The Transcendental Meditation technique may be an effective and safe non-pharmaceutical aid for treating ADHD. Medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is effective for some children, but it is marginally or not effective for others. Even for those children who show improved symptoms with the medication, the improvement is often insufficient or accompanied by troubling side effects associated with the common ADHD medications, including mood swings, insomnia, spasms, slowed growth, and heart problems. These high risks and growing concerns are fuelling parents’ search for alternatives that may be safer for their kids. And since the meditation technique is self paced and does not involve any drug intervention it is recommended as one of the better alternatives to treat ADHD in children.

Meditation, both Transcendental meditation and other forms, is generally safe for ADHD among children, and improves quality of life. Even though Transcendental meditation is proving to be both an enjoyable and an effective treatment, we also encourage you to continue your normal treatment. But when Transcendental meditation is synced with the main treatment for ADHD among children, they will soon notice that they spontaneously require less medication; but it is very important for this to happen in small steps and in consultation with one’s doctor.

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