Sunday, July 26, 2015

Green Gram Raita

It is summer time! Your body warms up naturally and you do not have the urge to eat proteins. But you cannot forego your protein intake for the season also. So here is a raita recipe prepared with green gram that ensures quality protein for the season and keeps you cool simultaneously.
  1. Green gram (soaked overnight) – 1 cup
  2. Curd (naturally set) – 2 cups
  3. Rock salt – quantity sufficient
  4. Asafoetida – 1 pinch
  5. Curry powder [a blend of dry roasted jeera, black jeera, curry leaves, red chilli and coriander seeds]
  6. Coriander leaves – quantity sufficient
  7. Molasses – 1 teaspoon
 Green gram Raita

Steps to prepare Raita:
  1. Steam the soaked green gram for 5 minutes with little salt. [You may use the soaked green gram directly but the amount of proteins your body absorbs with steamed pulse is higher than raw pulse. Raw pulse yields more fibre than proteins]
  2. Cool and blend it in pulse mode.
  3. Add chilled curd, rock salt, and asafoetida to it. Mix well.
  4. Sprinkle curry powder and coriander leaves to your taste.
  5. Chill and serve. Add a dash of molasses before serving [optional]
This can be used along with your main course or as a mid-day / evening snack.
Health Benefits of Green Gram:
According to Ayurveda, green gram is the best source of plant protein for any personality trait. Green gram is cold in potency and easy on digestion. It induces less flatulence relative to its legume counterparts and is the only pulse that can be advocated in any health condition sans doubt.
So eat you proteins the cool way this summer!
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