Friday, June 12, 2015

Common Cold

Atchoo! (sniff-sniff) – Oh … looks like I am coming down with a cold! Read more to know how to soothe your symptoms …
The medical terminology of Common Cold is “Viral Rhinitis”.
What causes cold?
The causative agents are the numerous types of viruses, to which an individual is susceptible throughout life.
  • Individuals are susceptible to cold especially during change of seasons.
  • Lowering of immunity (the ability to fight an infection) due to stress (either mental or physical e.g., loss of sleep, overwork etc.)
  • Exposure to extremes of temperatures like cold and heat.

 Common Cold

What are the symptoms?
  • Sneezing
  • Watery nasal discharge
  • Blocked /stuffy nose
  • Headache
  • Itchy feeling in the throat
  • Body ache and mild fever
  • Loss of smell, taste and appetite
  • Repeated wiping of the nose making it red and sensitive; skin may be excoriated around the nostrils.

How can one get relief from these symptoms?
  • The fact is there is no curative treatment for a cold.
  • There is a misconception that antibiotics are helpful but they are not.
  • Supportive treatment with decongestants, antihistamines and anti inflammatory do help but one gets relief only after the cold has run its course of 1 week or 7 days.
  • The use of decongestant nasal sprays should be limited. They bring about immediate relief, but continuous use causes rebound congestion, and headache which are worse than the original symptoms.

Are there any complications of common cold?
  • Yes, as persistence of symptoms beyond one week associated with purulent nasal discharge is suggestive of bacterial infection (sinusitis) for which antibiotics may be required.
  • Middle ear effusions and infections can also occur.

Tip: Avoid blowing your nose, as it spreads the infection to the sinuses and middle ear.

What should one do while having a cold?
  • Plenty of rest and water for the first 24 hours. Fresh fruit juices like sweet lime (mousambi) can be consumed thereafter.
  • Relief from blocked nose can be obtained by inhaling vapours of Eucalyptus oil (put two to three drops of eucalyptus oil in steaming water or on your handkerchief and inhale).
  • Consume bland food like rice conji, vegetable soups with pepper and garlic which are soothing.
  • Avoid refrigerated food.
  • A spoonful of honey does well to soothe the throat.

Tip: Washing hands prevents the spread of infection.

How can one prevent getting a cold?

  • The solution is to increase your level of immunity, which can be developed by daily regime of balanced diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetables along with pulses and cereals.
  • A teaspoon of honey in warm water every day before meals.
  • Get adequate sleep and avoid overworking.
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