Friday, June 19, 2015

The Language of Doshas

The physical, psychic and cosmic language of the body is created from the circadian rhythm of the universe set in motion. Space, air, fire, water and earth are the first materials for life. In Ayurveda, human body is rooted in bodily humors called doshas. They are three in number namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three principles support all of life and are more than the physical substance of our anatomy. They are the messengers of communication that inter phase the external and internal nature.
How are doshas formed?
When existing in the living body of all organisms, the panchamahabhuta congregate in certain pattern and are known as doshas which literally means ‘that which is quick to go out of balance.’
What do doshas imply?
Doshas imply that the human system maintains a delicate balance or homeostasis, its dynamic elemental composition always being on the verge of disorder. The human body intimately interacts with doshas which are more energy than matter until they manifest as diseases in the organism.
The doshas are classic example of energy and matter in dynamic accord. All matter born of energy remains intricately woven within its core nature of energy.
In a state of balance doshas are energy force as they move through and support the body functions. In a state of imbalance they become visible as mucus, bile, wind, and physical matter. When these early signs of disorder are ignored, imbalances cab quickly become full blown diseases.
The Language of Doshas
Types of doshas and their elemental composition:
  • Vata is composed of air and space. Here air exercises its power of mobility only when space is available. For example, movement of fluids in body’s arteries is possible only if space is available in the channels.
  • Pitta is composed of fire and water. Here the bodily water protects the heat of the body from burning through. For example, the acid in the stomach is protected by the mucous membrane of the stomach.
  • Kapha is composed of water and earth. Because of their mutual density water gives earth its fluidity. For example, fluidity in body is enabled by kapha dosha without depriving it of its solid support.
These doshas co-exist in all living organisms. The degree to which they exist within a person determines the individual constitution, commonly referred to as body type.
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